Stefan Cameron on Forms
Building intelligent forms using Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Archive for September, 2009

Multi-Selection List Schema Definition

After spending some time, recently, showing you how to connect your form to a schema and highlighting Designer’s support for schema metadata, I thought I would round-off my current train of thought on schemas by tackling multi-selection listboxes. Since they store their selected data in <value> nodes, once you think about it, their schema definition may not be obvious. When you’re working with XML data that isn’t governed by a schema and namespaces, it is perhaps easier to work with (i.e. accept) these <value> nodes however things change when you have a schema telling you how your data must be structured and scoped (with namespaces).

Continue reading…

Posted by Stefan Cameron on September 30th, 2009
Filed under Acrobat,Bugs,Data Binding,Scripting,Tutorials,XFA

Featur-O-meter Fixed!

Last week, I asked you to start voting for your favorite next feature on the new Featur-O-meter poll.

I’m not sure how many of you might have tried to vote since then and weren’t able to but I just noticed the poll was broken and it’s now fixed.

Please vote! We want to hear what you think.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on September 24th, 2009
Filed under Designer

Army Run 2009 Race Results

What a perfect morning for a half marathon race! My goal was 1:30:00 but the weather was perfect, I felt really good and God answered my prayers with an official time, and personal best, of 1:28:59 (that’s a 4:14 kilometer pace for 21.1km) and a chip time of 1:28:54 (obviously I was very well positioned being only 5 seconds behind the start line). The rest of my stats are available online at Sportstats. (For comparison, my fastest time on record, so far, had been 1:36:54 at the Ottawa Race Weekend 2009 Half Marathon last May.)

This being only the second annual Army Run, the race was still small in comparison with the Ottawa Race Weekend. There were just under half the number of participants at a total of 4270 runners which made it much more enjoyable for me. Don’t get me wrong: it’s awesome to see and be with all those runners but bigger crowds pose more logistical challenges than smaller ones.

This race was special, being a way for Canadian civilians to support their troops and for the troops to say “thanks” for the support. A cannon was fired instead of the usual blow horn for the start of the race, a group of injured soldiers (one single-leg amputee hoping to break a 1:20:00 record, one double-leg amputee and others in race wheelchairs) participated, military bands were playing at various locations throughout the course and a group of soldiers were just beyond the finish line handing-out the dog tag-style finisher medals. Pretty cool!

A military band at the start line.

My sprint to the finish line — you can see I’m just about to cross over and the official time clock reads 1:28:58.

Few! Those 16 weeks of hard training really paid off!!! 🙂

Posted by Stefan Cameron on September 20th, 2009
Filed under General

Vote for your Favorite Next Feature

Now that LC Designer ES2 (9.0) is in beta, the team is setting their sites on the next release. I invite you to start voting on what you would most like to see in the new version by checking-out the new Featur-O-meter poll.

The LC Designer ES2 (9.0) poll results are now archived here.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on September 15th, 2009
Filed under Designer