HTTP Submit
In the past, I’ve written a lot of articles on submitting data to databases and web services but there’s another way to submit form data: via HTTP POST. In this scenario, you use a regular button object configured to submit to a web page via HTTP or you just use the HTTP submit button object and set the URL appropriately.
Steve, a colleague of mine who works on LiveCycle Designer ES, wrote two posts about this technique a while back. I’ve frequently referred to it in my replies to your comments on various posts so I thought I would include the links in a more prominent place so they’re easier to find:
- The original HTTP Submit post.
- An important update to the original post.
One use of this could be to make submitting data to a database more secure* than exposing the database on the Internet (which is seldom a good idea). For example, you could have your form’s data posted to a PHP page which could then relay it into a MySQL database running behind the scenes. Another popular combination is ASP and Microsoft Access databases.
* Please note that I cannot speak to the level of security of said suggestion/solution. I’m merely suggesting it could be more secure.
Posted by Stefan Cameron on September 15th, 2008
Filed under Bugs,Data Binding,Designer,Tutorials