Stefan Cameron on Forms
Building intelligent forms using Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Return to the Blog

Thank you all for your patience while I was away. I have finally weeded through hundreds of comments and have identified the real ones from the spam ones.

In order to be fair to everyone, I will be responding to comments in the order in which I received them. While it may take me a while to get to comments which were posted in the last few days, rest-assured that I will get to them eventually.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on January 4th, 2007
Filed under General
Both comments and pings are currently closed.

8 Responses to “Return to the Blog”

  1. Pete Elmgreen on January 31st, 2007

    I’ve been searching the discussion forums/sample codes for some hints or instructions to do the following:
    submit a form in the formats PDF/XDP/HTTP post
    I can find plenty of questions in the forum re. this subject, but no answers

    I’ve completed the steps:
    1. Add a button object (NOT the email submit button)
    2. On the Object/Field palette, set it to be a Submit button
    3. On the Object/Submit palette, set the Submit to URL

    I my case it is the pdf document that needs to be saved on a server via a servlet call with a response back to user once document is uploaded.

    The online documentation is too thin for working out how to implementing this

    Much appreciated if you can point me to an example or a some sample code to do this


  2. Cathy Kenny on February 2nd, 2007

    I am binding field captions to an XML data file on a form using LC Designer 7.1. I would like to change the data source at runtime with a click of a button on the form – is this possible? (FYI I would like to convert captions from English to French and back again.)

  3. Stefan Cameron on February 5th, 2007


    A colleague of mine at Adobe posted some articles on his blog a while ago which might give you the kind of information you’re looking for:

    1. HTTP Submit
    2. Submit Format
    3. Submit to PHP

    In short, you should be able to get the PDF to be submitted either by setting the “Submit As” property on the Object palette’s Submit tab to “PDF” or by setting it to “XDP” and checking the “PDF” check box below. If you also need to include the original form without merged data, you should set the button to submit an XDP and include the template (using the “Template” check box).

  4. Stefan Cameron on February 6th, 2007


    As long as you don’t need to change the database to which the data connection is configured to connect, you should be able to achieve this.

    One way to do it would be to have the localized strings for each language in their own tables within your database. You could then change the table from which the strings are obtained by modifying the SQL Query statement used by the data connection to retrieve the data.

    Re-opening the data connection after changing its SQL Query to point to a different table will result in the captions changing to that table’s language.

  5. Andrew Quay on March 30th, 2007

    Hi Stefan,

    Can Livecycle handle repeating datasets for WSDL exports? I can’t seem to get Adobe to export repeating datasets, it only ever exports the last one in the set. I tried creating a simple wsdl with just one repeating dataset (a complextype with two elements) and it still won’t recognise and export it correctly. Any help? Thanks,


  6. Stefan Cameron on April 3rd, 2007


    If the WSDL export schema describes repeating data, then it should be handled correctly.

    If the WSDL is properly configured for repeating data, then it would be easier if I could see the WSDL. Is it available publicly somewhere? If not, would you be able to email it to me (I’ll send you an email in case it isn’t)?

  7. Stefan Cameron on April 4th, 2007


    Thanks for sending me your WSDL.

    I was able to get one of my colleagues more familiar with web services in Designer to have a look at what was going on with the element in your WSDL and it turns-out there is a bug that’s effectively causing only the last row to be used when sending the request.

    I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. I’ve logged the bug so that it gets addressed in a future release.

  8. sandrar on September 10th, 2009

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