Featur-O-meter for Designer 9.0
Here are your votes and comments on feature possibilities for Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 9.0.
The Designer Team was listening and introduced the Action Builder to let you author common form logic without the need for writing scripts in Designer 9.0.
Posted by Stefan Cameron on September 15th, 2009
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Hi Stefan,
does the floating field stuff mean actual EDITABLE floating fields, or just floating fields, that are easier to edit in Designer?
Because editable floating fields continue to be topping the wishlists of my customers.
Hi Stefan,
Same question as Sven here. It would be nice is floating fields are editable in Reader/Acrobat by the end-user.
Sven Pelta,
Ronny Ruyters,
It meant “editable floating fields in Acrobat/Reader”. I’ve updated the poll’s answer to be more precise.
I didn’t know if I should add an additional answer and leave the original one there since previous votes may have been with regards to making them easier to edit in Designer but the intent behind the original answer was with regards to editability in Acrobat/Reader. Either way, we would’ve considered those votes to be for the same feature, so I just updated the answer. This is one of those “gray zone” features since it’s not really a Designer feature but it can easily be perceived as being one due to the Preview tab.
Hi Stefan,
in the Voting Quest above I was missing the “genuine javascript debugger” as an option ;-). Is there any plan to get a real Javascript debbuger in any future release?
cheers –
Karim Bug,
I’m sure that will be a popular option so I’ve added it to the poll.
It’s certainly something that we’ve been thinking about for a long time but as far as it actually making it into a future release, I really can’t say either way at this point in time.
How about supporting embedded Flash / Flex objects in Designer? I realise that Form Guides is the way to go if you want to create a mini RIA out of an existing PDF, but if you could add Flash / Flex components to an XFA form you could open it up to all sorts of capabilites such as embedding FLV context help videos (similar to your hyperlink example but instead of an external webpage, it could play a video) and allowing a developer to create something similar to PDF Portfolios for a really engaging menu (for those who liked the Model View Controller example posted back in Designer 7.1).
With this feature, the document could be e-mailed around in one neat package and the customer wouldn’t need to logon to a website to be served a Form Guide.
(From some discussions I’ve had with some people on the Form Guide team I think you guys are already thinking this way but thought it might be interesting to guage the support for it from others)
John Nesbitt,
That’s a great suggestion, John, and you’re correct in thinking we’re already exploring these possibilities but I think I’ve got enough feature suggestions for the next release. If I add too many, it’ll be difficult to tell what people really want. As the Featur-O-meter grows in popularity, I’ll be able to add more features to the poll.
What would be great, is for designer to allow you to output a true, functioning AcroForm.
Since the vast majority of people who will use forms, or design forms, AcroForms would work fine. The ability to use an Adobe tool to create fillable AcroForms would be nice. And Adobe should have delivered this tool years ago.
sCameron-two things, i need to output an xml file after merging data to template in a batch. can this be done via script how (security error with exportdata)and where. also can i get a status code or error messages after i merge data with template? the output of which will be used in an LC workflow.please advise…new to adobe LC designer. thank you, sotto
Joel Sotto,
I don’t understand the nature of the XML file you want to output after merging data with your template. Is it the XML data of the form’s Data DOM?
As for a status code after merging data, I don’t believe you can get this. There may be an error output in the server log but not in the client (as far as I know).
What I would find very handy at the moment is for Acrobat / Reader to make available the current caret position of a TextField (so you know what character position in a text field that a user has clicked on) – for example, xfa.event.caretPos.
You can determine this position using xfa.event.selStart but only in the “change” event however I would like to determine this position when the user simply clicks into the TextField.
An example of where I would use this is when a TextField contains script generated text. When a user clicks on a word in this TextField, I want to highlight or set focus to the field in the form which was used to calculate that output:
Polyps found: 7
Cancerous polyps: 3
Script generated output: A total of 7 polyps were found, 3 of which were cancerous.
In the above example, clicking on or around the 7 would return a text position off 11. I could then work out that the 11th character was generated by the value in the “Polyps found” field and then set focus on that field so the user can modify it.
John Nesbitt,
That’s a great suggestion and thanks for providing a use case along with it! I’ve passed your feedback on to the team.