Stefan Cameron on Forms
Building intelligent forms using Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Archive for February, 2008

Adobe AIR 1.0 Released!

While this may not immediately seem related to LiveCycle and forms, it’s too important not to mention: Today, Adobe released version 1.0 of it’s AIR platform which basically lets you deploy Rich Internet Applications to user’s desktops and run across operating systems.

What’s the link with LiveCycle? Well, as of LiveCycle ES, all processes (new and deployed) now have a remoting interface which can be used to invoke a LiveCycle process from another application as well as pass input parameters to it.

This means that you could, for example, write an AIR application in Flex that has a "submit" button that could initiate a LiveCycle process, passing it some collected data, which would, in turn, assign a new form-filling task to a user. Upon opening the form as a PDF in Acrobat/Reader or as a Form Guide, the user would be presented with a pre-filled form or guide using the data that was submitted from the AIR application.

There’s so much potential there so go forth and mash-up! If you make something cool, please let me know!

Posted by Stefan Cameron on February 25th, 2008
Filed under General

LiveCycle Designer ES SP1 Download

For those of you still running LC Designer ES (8.1), you should be upgrading to Service Pack 1 which contains some important bug fixes.

I believe this service pack also contains patches for LiveCycle ES and Workbench ES.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on February 19th, 2008
Filed under Designer

Return to the Blog

It has been almost 4 months now since I put my blog on hold. Things were getting increasingly busy with my wife’s new clothing business, The Beautiful Pear, but now that we’ve been through our first year, the learning curve (for me) has leveled-off and I’m now able to refocus some energy into my blog.

I’ve been keeping track of the traffic since Oct 29, 2007, and despite my hiatus, many of you have kept finding useful stuff here with an average of 100 visits per day:

100 visits/day from Oct 29, 2007 to Feb 18, 2008

Thanks for sticking around and I hope I’ll be able to keep posting things that are of interest to all of you.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on February 19th, 2008
Filed under General

Server Migration Complete

We’ll, it happened a little sooner than anticipated but the good news is that it only took a couple of hours rather than a couple of days!

Thank you for your patience during this time.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on February 16th, 2008
Filed under General

Short Downtime Next Week (Feb 18-22)

Hello everyone,

I’m in the process of transitioning my blog to a different server. As such, there will be a day or two next week during which my blog will not be available. Rest assured, it will return as fast as possible.

If you do happen to visit on one of those days, here are some alternatives you may want to consider (make sure you take notes):

  • Read the entire XFA spec (pick your favorite one or close your eyes, point to the screen and read the one you end-up pointing at).
  • Go for a coffee (well, probably lots of coffees) at the little shop on the corner.
  • Call it a show-stopper and go home! (don’t tell your boss I said that)
  • If you have other interesting ideas, please share!

Posted by Stefan Cameron on February 15th, 2008
Filed under General