Stefan Cameron on Forms
Building intelligent forms using Adobe LiveCycle Designer

'CM' Category Archive

Adobe MAX 2009 Lab Update

We have been hard at work on our Solution Accelerator lab (filter by Speaker and choose my name, “Cameron, Stefan”). Now that the content is coming together, there have been a few changes which I thought I should mention in light of my previous post.

In order to ensure the lab is successful in the short amount of time we have (90 minutes) to build a small end-to-end solution, the Content Creation (CCR) and Correspondence Generation (CGR) building blocks will no longer be featured. Instead, we will feature the following building blocks, which should give you a taste for their power to accelerate your own solutions:

In the mean time, here’s some fun MAX trivia. You never know when it might come in handy…

Posted by Stefan Cameron on August 24th, 2009
Filed under CM,Conferences,LiveCycle

Adobe MAX 2009

I have just been asked to be one of the speakers/trainers for the “Developing Enterprise Solutions Using Adobe Solution Accelerators” lab in the LiveCycle Develop track at MAX this year. Once you’ve registered for MAX, launch the Scheduler and choose “By Session > Filter By: (product) LiveCycle ES; (speaker) Cameron, Stefan” to see my sessions. I will most likely be focusing my time on the Correspondence Generation (CGR) and Content Creation (CCR) building blocks which ship as part of the Solution Accelerator SDKs.

See you there!

Adobe MAX 2009

Aug 24, 2009 — Added links to the CCR and CGR building blocks.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on July 22nd, 2009
Filed under CM,Conferences,LiveCycle

Creating and Loading Data Nodes

Have you ever needed to create data nodes in the Data DOM on-the-fly? How about a need to parse XML obtained from a web service data connection in order to find a value for some property? If that’s the case, then you’ll find-out how to do it in this article.

Creating Data Nodes

In a similar article, John Brinkman showed how to create form variable nodes at runtime however what’s not obvious about data nodes is that you don’t create them using

a class name of your choice.

For example, say you wanted to create the following data node structure:

    <message>Hello World!</message>


Continue reading…

Posted by Stefan Cameron on June 1st, 2009
Filed under CM,Data Binding,Instance Manager,Scripting,Tables,Tutorials,XFA

CM Letter Building Tutorial

For those of you interested in Adobe’s new Correspondence Management Solution Accelerator, I just posted a Letter Building Tutorial, complete with document and training videos, on the LiveCycle Product Blog.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on September 4th, 2008
Filed under CM,Tutorials

Correspondence Management

There are some activities that all businesses need to do. Two of those are corresponding with customers and opening new accounts (they could be simple processes or they could be very complicated depending on various requirements). Adobe has recognized this need and has added a new segment to it’s LiveCycle Enterprise Suite called Solution Accelerators.

These Solution Accelerators come in the form of development kits that provide tools, built on top of LiveCycle, that are designed to help businesses, enterprises and government agencies quickly get started on a correspondence (eg. building letters and sending them to customers) and/or enrollment (eg. opening a new bank account) solution tailored to their business requirements.

For the past few months now, I’ve been working on the Correspondence Management Team at Adobe. We’re building some really cool tools that leverage many aspects of LiveCycle, Flex and AIR. Today is an exciting day because I’ve just found-out that we now have our own spaces, for enterprise, financial services and government, on Adobe’s web site!

Are you excited about this? Is this something your company has been looking for? What kind of features would you expect to see in a Correspondence Management or Enrollment Solution Accelerator?

PS: This doesn’t mean the Designer-related posts will stop. I’m still very much involved with Designer and I use it every day so there’s still plenty to talk about.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on June 19th, 2008
Filed under CM