After spending some time, recently, showing you how to connect your form to a schema and highlighting Designer’s support for schema metadata, I thought I would round-off my current train of thought on schemas by tackling multi-selection listboxes. Since they store their selected data in <value> nodes, once you think about it, their schema definition may not be obvious. When you’re working with XML data that isn’t governed by a schema and namespaces, it is perhaps easier to work with (i.e. accept) these <value> nodes however things change when you have a schema telling you how your data must be structured and scoped (with namespaces).
Continue reading…
Posted by Stefan Cameron on September 30th, 2009
Filed under
Data Binding,
Well, I’m not out for coffee for an entire month but I will be away on vacation starting today, returning July 6, 2009. I will not be posting during that time period but I will try my best to keep-up with comments though it will not be my first priority…
In the mean time, if you feel like a coffee break, you should check-out the new Adobe LiveCycle CafĂ©: It’s a really cool AIR app by Adobe that integrates all sorts of LiveCycle-related resources into one convenient dashboard. It even lets you tag content for offline use and store personal notes, online or offline.
You get a really nice News page:

A view of all LiveCycle-related blogs (showing mine in the image below):
(There’s even a tab that lets you switch between “Post Summary” and “Site” to see the article via the feed or the actual web page.)
Another really nice feature is the ability to search in one location across all Adobe LiveCycle resources. For instance, I searched for “assignNode” (a function to create data nodes in the Data DOM) and actually got a hit right in a LiveCycle reference document — very handy!

Enjoy the coffee!
Posted by Stefan Cameron on June 5th, 2009
Filed under
The Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) has issued advance notification of pending Acrobat/Reader 7, 8 and 9 security updates to be released next Tuesday, June 9, 2009. This is the first in what will be regular, quarterly security updates as part of Adobe’s security initiatives.
Acrobat/Reader should be prompting you to install the update, as of next Tuesday, and since it covers critical security issues, you should definitely be applying it to your system.
Posted by Stefan Cameron on June 5th, 2009
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My friend John Brinkman has posted a really good list of handy form development and debugging tips. Check it out! These tips could save you a lot of time and effort. I use them all the time when I work on forms with Designer, Acrobat and LiveCycle Forms.
One other nice thing about console.println() for outputting debug information to the JavaScript Console in Acrobat is that these strings are also output to the Flash Log when you run form guides generated with LiveCycle ES Update 1 (8.2.1) using the Flash Debug Player. (The 3rd part of my MAX 2008 Tutorial series has details on how to set this up under the “Flash Log and Debug Players” section.)
Posted by Stefan Cameron on May 27th, 2009
Filed under
Form Guides,
Script Editor,
Adobe recently made available the 9.1.1 security patch. It is recommended that you install it to make sure you’re protected against the latest security issues.
Posted by Stefan Cameron on May 15th, 2009
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