Stefan Cameron on Forms
Building intelligent forms using Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Purchase Designer ES2 Upgrade

The LiveCycle Product Blog has some recent information on the availability of the Designer ES2 Upgrade which can now be purchased on the Adobe Store.

Note that, going forward, Designer will no longer be available for purchase apart from Acrobat Pro or Workbench (i.e. you will no longer be able to purchase Designer without purchasing one of these two other products).

Posted by Stefan Cameron on January 14th, 2010
Filed under Acrobat,Designer
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2 Responses to “Purchase Designer ES2 Upgrade”

  1. E. Loralon on February 2nd, 2010

    Hi Stefan,

    Is there a possibility to use workbench v9 with Livecycle es 8.2 server installation? I have tried connecting to our existing development server es 8.2 using Workbench v9 but I got an error. So I can only workbench of the same version as the server version?

    Or there is way to make workbench v9 work with Livecycle es 8.2?

    Thank you.

  2. Stefan Cameron on February 11th, 2010

    E. Loralon,

    I don’t believe it’s possible. Workbench 9.0 expects a LiveCycle ES2 server which introduces the new “Application” paradigm, a significant changes from ES1.