Stefan Cameron on Forms
Building intelligent forms using Adobe LiveCycle Designer

LiveCycle Designer 8.1.1 SP2 Posted

I’ve just received word that Service Pack 2 has been posted. You will find SP2 patches for Designer 8.1.1 EFGJ as well as LiveCycle Workbench and LiveCycle ES as a whole. See the readme file for more information on what issues were addressed.

This service pack contains many bug fixes. If you haven’t installed SP1 yet, that’s OK since SP2 is a cumulative service pack that also contains all of the SP1 fixes.

Posted by Stefan Cameron on March 7th, 2008
Filed under Designer
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24 Responses to “LiveCycle Designer 8.1.1 SP2 Posted”

  1. Andy on April 22nd, 2008

    Livecycle Designer 8.0 – Dropdown lists
    I’m very new to forms generally and suffering big time trying to get ddl’s working. The aim is to filter SQL data (OLEDB) via an SQL string in DDL1 to give another set of data in DDL2 which can then be used to select an individual record. The SQL table contains records of information assets belonging to several different teams: the first DDL uses SELECT … GROUP BY Team to give a list of teams to choose – this works fine. I hoped to the populate the DDL2 string with concat(“SELECT assetname FROM table WHERE Team = ‘”, outputfromDDL1, “‘;”) and then to pull the appropriate asset record into the remainder of the form – probably again amending the relevant data connection. I went through the process of getting the permissions error and incorporated the clone method and I also found the note advising that the target data connection must be set for delayed open. Everything runs fine and no errors are thrown in the debug window but no items arrive in the second drop down list. The new selection string is being created OK – I can see this by posting it into a text field on the form.
    I’ve also tried setting a form variable and using that in the data connection SELECT string but without success.
    Many thanks … Andy

  2. Stefan Cameron on April 29th, 2008


    It sounds like you’ve covered the bases with the cloning and the delayed open setting. What script are you using to extract the records returned by the second query and insert them into DDL2?

    One trick to help with debugging is to use the console.println(“string”) statement rather than using a text field for debug output.

  3. Ann Meeker on May 29th, 2008

    I’m trying to create a form which has two drop down lists (as Andy describes above), populated from SQL data (OLEDB). I’ve used Stefan’s Movie Categories sample to get my first drop-down box working correctly. But I’m not sure how to feed/manipulate that info into my second drop down list. I’m not an experienced programmer (mostly Access, and a tiny bit of SQL) so am clueless on things like “cloning” “delayed open setting”. If you have pointers that might help me, or if possibly you have an example form I could look at the code, wow, I would be so grateful for any help!!

  4. Stefan Cameron on May 31st, 2008

    Ann Meeker,

    I’m glad to hear that you were able to get that first drop down list working! Have you seen my sample form on selecting specific database records? What you need to do is take the script that’s specified on that sample’s drop down list’s Change event and combine it with the script used in the first drop down list to iterate through records in the second data connection and populate the second drop down list with the information. Basically, the script in the Change event will show you how to clone the second data connection and open it. Follow that with the script used to populate your first drop down list but modify it to iterate the records on the cloned data connection and to add items to the second drop down list.

  5. Ann Meeker on June 3rd, 2008

    Hi Stefan! Yes, I used your above-referenced sample as The Holy Grail when creating my form, a hearty thanks to you for that!
    I’ve searched the web at length for help on this type of “cascading DDLs”, and you’re the only source I’ve seen.

    I think I’m getting fairly close to the finish line. My 1stDDL works correctly, and it also populates the 2ndDDL correctly (except that I evidently need
    a this.clearItems somewhere on the Change event because subsequent selections of the 1stDDL pile up accumulated records in the 2ndDDL).

    It’s mainly the 2ndDDL that is still giving me fits. When testing/selecting from the 2ndDDL, the selection doesn’t “stick” but insteads insists on
    returning to the first record of that category subset. And therefore (of course) the bound text fields do not populate. Most likely (uh, “obviously”), I need
    code on that 2ndDDL Change event. I tried inserting combinations of text from the 1stDDL Initialize&Change events, no success yet, possibly the
    dual languages (JavaScript & FormCalc) are contributing to my failure. Could you give me some pointers?

    Here’s what I have for code so far on the 1stDDL for Initialize and Change events. Again, thanks in advance for any & everything you can share with me!

    —– form1.#subform[0].Addressbook.1stDDL::initialize: – (JavaScript, client) ——-

    /* This dropdown list object will populate two columns with data from a data connection.

    sDataConnectionName – name of the data connection to get the data from. Note the data connection will appear in the Data View.
    sColHiddenValue – this is the hidden value column of the dropdown. Specify the table column name used for populating.
    sColDisplayText – this is the display text column of the dropdown. Specify the table column name used for populating.

    These variables must be assigned for this script to run correctly. Replace with the correct value.

    var sDataConnectionName = “AddressbookCategories”; // name of the data connection from which to retrieve data
    var sColHiddenValue = “catTableID”; // name of the column within a record from the specified data connection which will provide the hidden values for list items
    var sColDisplayText = “catTableName”; // name of the column within a record from the specified data connection which will provide the display text for list items

    // Search for node
    var nIndex = 0;
    while(xfa.sourceSet.nodes.item(nIndex).name != sDataConnectionName)

    var oDB = xfa.sourceSet.nodes.item(nIndex).clone(1); // the node pertaining to the data connection specified in sDataConnectionName is our “database”; // load the data from the connection into the form, resolving any bindings
    oDB.first(); // move to the first record in the connection

    // Search node with the class name “command” (this is )
    var nDBIndex = 0;
    while(oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).className != “command”)

    // Backup the original settings before assigning BOF and EOF to stay
    var sBOFBackup = oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.getAttribute(“bofAction”);
    var sEOFBackup = oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.getAttribute(“eofAction”);

    oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(“stayBOF”, “bofAction”);
    oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(“stayEOF”, “eofAction”);

    // Remove all items currently in the list (if any).

    // Search for the record node with the matching Data Connection name (looking for node within the current record data)
    nIndex = 0;
    while(xfa.record.nodes.item(nIndex).name != sDataConnectionName)
    var oRecord = xfa.record.nodes.item(nIndex);

    var oValueNode = null;
    var oTextNode = null;
    for(var nColIndex = 0; nColIndex < oRecord.nodes.length; nColIndex++)
    if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == sColHiddenValue)
    oValueNode = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);
    else if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == sColDisplayText)
    oTextNode = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);

    this.addItem(oTextNode.value, oValueNode.value);;

    // Restore the original settings
    oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(sBOFBackup, “bofAction”);
    oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(sEOFBackup, “eofAction”);

    // Close connection

    —– form1.#subform[0].Addressbook.1stDDL::change: – (FormCalc, client) ————-

    // Modify the SQL Statement on the AddressesInCategories data connection such that it filters the records on the selected category.

    // Get the id for the category the user just selected (which is the id of the category to filter on):
    var sCategoryName = xfa.event.newText
    var sCategoryId = $.boundItem(sCategoryName)
    var oDataConn = Ref(xfa.sourceSet.AddressesInCategories.clone(1)) // get a *reference* to the data connection object (you’ll get an error if you try to get it by value)

    // First, we need to set its query command type to “text” so that we can specify an SQL statement for it.
    // Otherwise, we would have to specify a table or stored procedure.

    // Set the //sourceSet/AddressesInCategories/command/query@commandType attribute to “text”.
    oDataConn.#command.query.commandType = “text”

    // Next, we need to specify the SQL statement for the data connection. This is done by setting the contents of
    // the //query/select node. =
    concat(“SELECT * FROM 1COMBINED WHERE TableID = “, sCategoryId, ” ORDER BY Organization;”)

    // Finally, we can open the data connection and look at the data which should get automatically populated
    // into the txtabName and txtabStreet fields in the Addressbook subform because of the explicit bindings
    // that have been specified on those fields.

    // Set the category name in the Addressbook subform.
    Addressbook.abCategory = sCategoryName

    // Backup the original settings before assigning BOF and EOF to stay
    var sBOFBackup = oDataConn.#command.query.recordSet.getAttribute(“bofAction”);
    var sEOFBackup = oDataConn.#command.query.recordSet.getAttribute(“eofAction”);

    oDataConn.#command.query.recordSet.setAttribute(“stayBOF”, “bofAction”);
    oDataConn.#command.query.recordSet.setAttribute(“stayEOF”, “eofAction”);

    while(not oDataConn.isEOF()) do
    cboSelectName.addItem($record.AddressesInCategories.Organization, $record.AddressesInCategories.TableID)

  6. Ann Meeker on June 4th, 2008

    Hey, Stefan, CANCEL my previous post, I’ve got it working now! Just had to change the addItem on the code pasted above, and then added code (below) on the DDL2 Change event. Sweet! Thanks again for your sample form which enabled me (with miniscule programming knowledge) to do this.

    // Modify the SQL Statement on the AddressesInCategories data connection such that it filters the records on the selected Name.

    // Get the id for the Name the user just selected (which is the id of the Name to filter on):
    var sName = xfa.event.newText
    var sNameID = $.boundItem(sName)
    var oDataConn = Ref(xfa.sourceSet.AddressesInCategories.clone(1)) // get a *reference* to the data connection object (you’ll get an error if you try to get it by value)

    // First, we need to set its query command type to “text” so that we can specify an SQL statement for it.
    // Otherwise, we would have to specify a table or stored procedure.

    // Set the //sourceSet/AddressesInCategories/command/query@commandType attribute to “text”.
    oDataConn.#command.query.commandType = “text”

    // Next, we need to specify the SQL statement for the data connection. This is done by setting the contents of
    // the //query/select node. =
    concat(“SELECT * FROM 1COMBINED WHERE ID = “, sNameID, ” ORDER BY Organization;”)

    // Finally, we can open the data connection and look at the data which should get automatically populated
    // into the txtabName and txtabStreet fields in the Addressbook subform because of the explicit bindings
    // that have been specified on those fields.

  7. Stefan Cameron on June 8th, 2008

    Ann Meeker,

    That’s great news! I’m glad you were able to get it to work. Thanks for posting your solution so that others can benefit from it.

  8. Alex on July 8th, 2008

    I am having simliar issues with my DDL. I have to compare the values of one drop down list with another drop down list (specifically a starting and end time list to make sure the data makes sense). Here is the code I am running in the 2nd DDL or the Ending Time list:

    —– form1.P1.SubSTandET.ddlMonET::change: – (JavaScript, client) ———————————

    var ST = SubSTandET.ddlMonST.boundItem(xfa.event.newText);
    var ET = this.boundItem(xfa.event.newText);

    if(ET <= ST){“Monday End Time is earlier than Monday Starting Time”);

    So far the code displays this message every time. I have a feeling that the xfa.event.newText is making ST and ET have the same value, thus always validating my if statement. I have tried just doing

    var ST = SubSTandET.ddlMonST.value;

    however, that doesn’t work properly either. Thank you for your time!

  9. Alex on July 9th, 2008

    Cancel the last post. I pretty much got it working with the following code:

    —– form1.P1.SubSTandET.ddlMonET::change: – (JavaScript, client) ———————————

    //makes the border visible and sets the color to white
    this.border.edge.presence = “visible”;
    this.borderColor = “255,255,255”;

    //checks the values and compares them
    if(this.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) SubSTandET.ddlMonST.rawValue){
    this.fillColor = “255,255,255”;

    However, the data from the drop down lists is still not being read correctly. From the starting time list..if I choose say 9:00 AM and if I choose the end time as 2:30 PM. With my code, there is still an error. I have a feeling that it has to do with this line: SubSTandET.ddlMonST.rawValue. Is there another way I can read the values from this previous list without using the rawValue object?

  10. Stefan Cameron on July 14th, 2008


    I can’t make-out what your script is because the comparison operator is missing. I’m guessing you wrote < but forgot to encode the < with &lt…

    Also, you’re using drop down lists to let the user choose a start and end time. Have you specified values for the items so that you can effectively do an integer comparison between the two values? For example, if you only set item captions as “9:00 AM” but didn’t assign it a value of “9” using the “Object palette > Binding tab”, then your comparison is likely based on a string at which point the result may not be what you expect. If you set integer values for all times, then JavaScript should be able to do the integer comparison. Just to be certain, you might want to force the strings to be converted to numbers:

    if (new Number(this.boundItem(xfaevent.newText)) <= new Number(SubSTandET.ddlMonST.rawValue))...

    When you access the rawValue or boundItem property of a drop down list, you get the value associated to the item that was selected (boundItem(xfa.event.newText) for the drop down list whose value has just changed and rawValue for the other drop down list whose value has already been changed). If you don’t explicitly assign values to those items, then the boundItem and rawValue properties return the item text (e.g. “9:00 AM”) as the value.

  11. sirila on September 5th, 2008

    Hi Stefan,
    im caught up with this DDl. i have 2 DDLs on my form. the first DDL has category and the second one supposed to get populated based on the category of the first one.i dont have any database connection.
    i used switch case infirst ddl achange event and i was able to fill the second based on addItem. now i included the code such a way that if user selects 1 from DDL1 then a,b has to appear inDDL2.
    if he selects 2 then i delete the previoius items in DDL2 using DeleteItems and add c,d to the second DDL.but DeleteItems doesnt work as supposed to and all the items remain making it to the lose the functionality of dynamic populating. please help me out with this

  12. Stefan Cameron on September 12th, 2008


    Instead of “DeleteItems”, try “clearItems”:

  13. Peter Ilias on January 16th, 2009

    Hi Stefan,

    I’m lost. Ann didn’t paste her solution in complete format, as is.

    How can you combine the code in your example when one is javascript and one is FormCalc? I read your post above and what you’re saying makes sense. However, I would assume that all the code goes in the change event of the first drop down list. I’ve succeeded in populating my first drop downlist by binding it to a recordset, and then successfully changing the query of the 2nd dataconnection to populate the 2nd drop down list. My first drop down list is DDL_ProjectNo (it works). My second is DDL_BillingGroup. I’ve got the code below in FormCalc using your example:

    var projectName = xfa.event.newText
    var projectID = $.boundItem(projectName)

    var oDC = Ref($sourceSet.DataConnectionBilling.clone(1))


    oDC.#command.query.commandType = “text” = concat(“SELECT BMPROJ_ID, CBGTITLE FROM BMBGRP WHERE BMPROJ_ID = “, projectID, “”)

    I assume the code outlined in your javascript now has to grab the results of the updated query results and populate the DDL_BillingGroup list with the contents…but that code is in JavaScript. Am I missing something here?


  14. Stefan Cameron on January 20th, 2009

    Peter Ilias,

    I’m assuming your form has two drop down lists, DDL1 and DDL2, where DDL1 is initialized with one set of data from the first data connection (DC1) and DDL2 is supposed to load data from the second data connection (DC2) based on the selection in DDL1.

    If that’s the case, then just follow my sample on selecting specific database records. DDL1 will use a JavaScript script in its Initialize event while DDL2 will use a FormCalc script in its Change event. It’s OK to mix script languages like that. Actually, you can even have multiple scripts on the same form object that each have their own language settings (e.g. the Change event could be in FormCalc and the Exit event could be in JavaScript, on the same form object).

    The script you posted seems like what you want on DDL2 except I believe it’s missing the second part where you iterate through the records returned in DC2 in order to populate DDL2. See my sample form for the rest of the script.

  15. Peter Ilias on January 22nd, 2009

    Hi Again Stefan,

    Sorry to drag this, but I’m trying to solve it on my own without taking too much of your time. I have downloaded your sample, and actually set up mysql to get it to run, so I think I understand how that code works. However, the difference is that once DDL1 is changed (to a project number), that does not trigger an event in DDL2 so I don’t know how writing code in DDL2’s change event would work. I just assumed all the code needs to be written in DDL1’s change event.

  16. Peter Ilias on January 22nd, 2009

    I Again Stefan,

    Please ignore my previous post. I think I see what you’re saying now.


  17. alessandro benedetti on April 16th, 2009

    Hi All,

    i’m really new in using Adobe Livecycle. I’m experiencing the following problem: i have a form that works perfectly in acrobat 9 but it doesn’t work with the reader. The error is related to the clone method (the error message is in italian… the translation should be “method clone unknown”.
    Below a fragment of the code:

    var sName = xfa.event.newText
    var sNameID = $.boundItem(sName), “Debugging”, 3);, “Debugging”, 3);

    var oDataConn = Ref(xfa.sourceSet.staffing.clone(1))
    // get a *reference* to the data connection object (you’ll get an error if you try to get it by value)
    // Set the //sourceSet/AddressesInCategories/command/query@commandType attribute to “text”.
    oDataConn.#command.query.commandType = “text”

    // Next, we need to specify the SQL statement for the data connection. This is done by setting the contents of
    // the //query/select node. =
    concat(“SELECT * FROM note_spese_data WHERE matricolahp = ‘”, sNameID, “‘;”);

    I really appreciate any help.
    Many thanks,
    Alessandro Benedetti

  18. Stefan Cameron on April 17th, 2009

    Alessandro Benedetti,

    I’m not sure why it’s complaining about the clone() method being unknown but even if it didn’t, you wouldn’t get much further unless your PDF form has been extended, using LiveCycle Reader Extensions ES, to enable ‘data import’. On its own, Reader cannot import data via data connections.

  19. jianbin lin on May 2nd, 2009

    Hi stefan,

    Help to review what’s wrong in the following code.Thanks in advance.When it run.will show a message:
    Error:first operation failed.bacause there was no connection specified.

    PriceTable.Page1.N4A318AKB::calculate – (FormCalc, client)
    var sMN = $.name
    var oDataConn = Ref(xfa.sourceSet.DataConnection)
    oDataConn.#command.query.commandType = “text” =
    concat(“SELECT PR FROM pricetable WHERE MN = ‘”, sMN, “‘”)

  20. Stefan Cameron on May 8th, 2009

    jianbin lin,

    This is either because you’re trying to run this form in Reader (and importing data is not enabled in Reader by default) or because the second-last line of your script is


    instead of

  21. Jake on October 2nd, 2009

    You may have already addressed this issue in a previous post…I need to understand how to populate one dropdown box from another. I found an example on [ ] however, I am unable to make it work. From my limited experience with this process I can only surmise the xml file is not setup properly, but not sure. I am able to populate the first dropdown, and I can bind to the second, however it does not populate. I included the JS in the change event for first dropdown, but still nothing. Can you provide a working example or instructions for making this work. Greatly appreciated. Jake

  22. Stefan Cameron on October 2nd, 2009


    I have covered this many times. I’m sure if you look in the comments on my tutorials on connecting a form to a database and selection specific database records you’ll find an example. I recall answering a similar question very recently so look near the end of the comments.

  23. LucD on November 1st, 2010


    I’ve been searching everywhere to find the Javascript equivalent of the following FormCalc:

    oDataConn.#command.query.commandType = “text” =
    concat(“SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column = ‘ “, sNameID, ” ‘ “)

    The reason I’ve been searching for this is because I would like to have a textfield that can allow the user to search a database, and have the possible duplicate results populate a separate dropdown.

    As far as I know, creating a new data connection allows to specify an SQL query, but not at run-time (will always have the same search). So that felt like a dead end.

    Your examples use both Javascript and FormCalc, which is making it hard to combine both events into one object’s event.

    Thank you for your time.


  24. Stefan Cameron on November 6th, 2010


    The JavaScript equivalent is this:

    oDataConn.resolveNode("#command").query.commandType = “text”
    oDataConn.resolveNode("#command") =
        "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column =
        '" + sNameID + "'";

    You can, in fact, alter the SQL statement of a data connection at runtime. Just make sure you clone the data connection first and modify the clone, otherwise you’ll get a security exception. See my tutorial on inserting, updating and deleting records for an example. This tutorial is done in JavaScript.